The first Sunday of Advent will be here before you know it. Are you feeling energized and prepared for a new year of music ministry? Our webinar, Music, Resources and Tips for 2017: Preparing for the New Liturgical Year, will help you make the best use of your available resources.
Join OCP veterans Wade Wisler and Amanda Weller, who will share their valuable insights about getting ready for the new liturgical year.
Watch this free 60-minute webinar and you will:
- Discover new songs and Mass settings in Breaking Bread/Today’s Missal 2017.
- Find out what the revised 2017 accompaniment books means to you.
- Get tips and resources to ensure a smooth transition to the new liturgical year so you are ready for the first Sunday of Advent.

Presented by:
Wade Wisler
Wade Wisler is Assistant to the Publisher for OCP. Now in his 16th year with the company, he was previously manager of the Worship Publications department and executive editor of Today's Liturgy magazine. He is married, has one daughter, and is an active member of his parish in Portland, Oregon.

Presented by:
Amanda Weller
Amanda Weller is Senior Editorial Projects Manager, and has worked for 20 years at OCP. In her role, she manages large projects such as hymnals and missal accompaniment books. She sings soprano in her local church. Amanda is married and has a daughter.