On April 16, 2019, Vatican News published a Spanish-language article on Iván Díaz’s new collection, Nuestra Alegría/Our Joy. Below is an English translation of that article. To learn more or to purchase the collection, click here.

Sofía Lobos - Vatican City
Saint Augustine said that singing is praying twice. Praying through music is something Catholic singer Iván Díaz knows a lot about. A native of Colombia and currently living in Miami, the musician, radio broadcaster and highly talented teacher, develops an active pastoral ministry with his voice and songs.
Youth that fulfills dreams
Oregon Catholic Press launches the bilingual collection Nuestra Alegría/Our Joy by this young Latin singer. Available as a CD, guitar songbook, and ready to be downloaded in any digital music platform such as iTunes, Spotify and Deezer, among others.
It is a musical work that comes to light in a particular moment, when the youth of the world try to open a path toward the realization of their own dreams.
It is currently estimated that more than 60 percent of Catholics under the age of 18 are Hispanic, according to a study prepared by Theologian Hosffman Ospino. This demographic change that is transforming the Catholic Church is a great opportunity to evangelize young people through bilingual music.
Evangelization through music
In this context, Iván Díaz makes his new project, Nuestra Alegría/Our Joy, alive.
In recent years, the composer of Colombian origin has been in constant contact with Catholic youth, participating in the last World Youth Day in Panama in January 2019, where he played the theme "Aquí Estoy/Here I Am,” with father Rob Galea, sponsored by the Ramón Pané Foundation and the WYD Theme Park, Cristonaut@s. The song has been downloaded by thousands of young Catholics around the world, thanks to its fusion of modern rhythms in songs that celebrate the Catholic faith.
In a world where technology sets the pace, music has become a new form of evangelization.
Find the original, Spanish-language article here.