"My cantors are in their glory. They absolutely love learning this new music, and they love helping the congregation to learn it."
–Eric B., Music Director, Holy Family
Meet Eric.
Eric is the director of music at Holy Family Church in West Newton, a rural town 25 miles south of Pittsburgh. When Eric came to work at the parish a year ago, parishioners hadn't experienced a choir for many years. He sought to change that.
Growing up, Eric's father instilled in him a love of music — teaching him to read and play as a young child. At the age of 16, he began directing music for his home parish. After serving several other communities, he arrived at Holy Family.
Members of the Holy Family congregation loved to sing in church and were excited at the thought of new music, so Eric took steps to build a promising choir ministry. Upon revisiting OCP's website, he discovered the Parish Grants Program. Eric wanted a missal program to engage his assembly — one with Scripture readings and the Order of Mass, along with a variety of traditional and contemporary songs. He applied for, and received, an OCP Parish Grant that allowed him to purchase Breaking Bread missals to serve as a foundation for their music ministry. Working with other members of his parish, Eric expanded Holy Family's musical repertoire, much to the delight of the assembly. He also began to organize holiday choirs for various feast days, with the hope of eventually incorporating a regular Sunday choir. With positive feedback from the community, this parish has grown together through song.
Discover how Holy Family has helped its burgeoning choir grow with OCP Missals.
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