Learn how to prepare contemporary liturgies for three different Masses — including the Feast of the Immaculate Conception using your own resources along with music suggestions from the Spirit & Song hymnal. Presented by top Catholic composer Curtis Stephan (Mass of Renewal) and OCP’s manager of Music Outreach Laure Krupp, this webinar will be the perfect place to get all your contemporary liturgy preparation, planning and music selection questions answered!
In this 60-minute webinar:
- Learn how to introduce contemporary music to your community.
- Download and explore a song suggestion guide for years A, B & C.
- Plan music for three different contemporary liturgies using your community’s missal or hymnal… and more!

Presented by:
Curtis Stephan
Composer, Music Director, St. Ann’s in Coppell, TX
A lifelong musician, this engaging composer, presenter and worship leader works tirelessly to serve the body of Christ through inspiring music. As Music Director at Saint Ann’s parish where seven liturgies are celebrated each weekend, Curtis has much to share about the topic of music in contemporary liturgy.

Presented by:
Laure Krupp
OCP Manager of Music Outreach
Laure has a particular passion for the formation and training of those who minister to others. Her career includes parish liturgical ministry, teaching staff with “One Bread One Cup,” and authoring books and articles on youth and liturgical ministry.