The Catholic Church has a rich tradition of social justice teaching, developed over time from sacred Scripture, papal enyclicals, and the documents of councils and episcopal conferences. This treasure of wisdom calls the People of God to build a just society in the midst of the challenges of our modern world.
The United States Catholic Bishops (USCCB) highlighted seven key themes that lie at the heart of Catholic social justice teaching. OCP is proud to share the many songs from our composers who were inspired by these themes.
How to use this page:
Please feel free to browse this page however you like. If you’d like some guidance on how to dive deeper to meditate and reflect on each of the seven themes below, you may find this process helpful:
- Read the USCCB’s quote.
- Listen to the theme's playlist (English, Spanish, or both).
- Click the theme's “learn more” link for a detailed account of related Scripture and tradition references, as well as other official Church documents.
- Listen again to the theme's playlist and reflect upon how you can apply the theme to your personal and spiritual life. Some guiding questions might include: How have I embodied the teachings of this theme in my life over the past month? What is one thing I can do today to exemplify the teachings of this theme, right now? How will I implement the teachings of this theme in my life going forward, and how often will I consciously check in to keep myself accountable?
- When you’re ready, scroll down and click on the next theme.
From the USCCB: “The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society.”
God Has Chosen Me Bernadette Farrell
God of the Hungry Scott Soper
Hold On to Love Jesse Manibusan
Jesus Christ, Homeless One Carey Landry and Carol Jean Kinghorn-Landry
Envíame a Mí Jon Carlo
Cristo Te Necesita Cesáreo Gabaráin
El Pueblo Canta: ¡Aleluya! Rodolfo López, Estela García-López, Jaime Cortez
El Reino de la Vida Cristóbal Fones, SJ
Scripture references: Genesis 1:26-31, Deuteronomy 10:17-19, Psalms 139:13-16, Proverbs 22:2, Luke 10:25-37, John 4:1-42, Romans 12: 9-18, 1 Corinthians 3:16, Galatians 3:27-28, James 2:1-8, 1 John 3: 1-2, 1 John 4:7-12
Tradition references and further reading from the USCCB: Click here
From the USCCB: “The person is not only sacred but also social. How we organize our society -- in economics and politics, in law and policy -- directly affects human dignity and the capacity of individuals to grow in community.”
All Are Welcome (All Belong) Jesse Manibusan, Jennah Manibusan
Companions on the Journey Carey Landry and Carol Jean Kinghorn-Landry
Prayer of St. Francis Christopher Willcock, SJ
Love Never Fails Ken Canedo, Jesse Manibusan
Amor de Dios Bob Hurd, Pia Moriarty
Sal y Luz Santiago Fernández
La Gente Camina Luis Alfredo Díaz Britos
Felices Santiago Fernández
Scripture references: Genesis 2:18, Genesis 4:8-15, Leviticus 25:23-43, Jeremiah 7:5-7, Micah 6:6-8, John 15:12-17, Acts 2:43-47, Romans 12:4-8, Hebrews 10:24-25, James 2:14-17, 1 Peter 4:8-11, 1 John 3:16-18, 1 John 4:19-21
Tradition references and further reading from the USCCB: Click here
From the USCCB: “The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met.”
Go into the World Tom Booth
With One Voice Ricky Manalo, CSP
Christ, Be Our Light Bernadette Farrell
Act Justly Bernadette Farrell
Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo Jaime Cortez
Danos un Corazón Juan A. Espinosa
Cristo No Tiene Pies en el Mundo Rodolfo López, Estela García-López
De la Justicia Brota la Paz Juan J. Sosa
Scripture references: Leviticus 25:35, Ruth 2:2-23, Tobit 4:5-11, Proverbs 31:8-9, Isaiah 1:16-17, Jeremiah 22:13-16, Jeremiah 29:4-7, Matthew 25: 31-46, Luke 16:19-31, Acts 4:32-35, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, James 2:14-18
Tradition references and further reading from the USCCB: Click here
From the USCCB: “A basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring. In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, our tradition recalls the story of the Last Judgment (Mt 25:31-46) and instructs us to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first.”
A Place at Your Table Ben Walther
The Cry of the Poor John Foley, SJ
Whatsoever You Do Willard Jabush
You Gather in the Outcast Scot Crandal, Genevieve Glen, OSB
La Respuesta Jon Carlo
¿Le Conocéis? Miguel Manzano, José A. Olivar
Dolorosa Juan A. Espinosa, Rafael de Andrés
Un Pueblo Camina/The People Walk Juan A. Espinosa
Scripture references: Exodus 22:20-26, Leviticus 19:9-10, Job 34:20-28, Proverbs 31:8-9, Sirach 4:1-10, Isaiah 25:4-5, Isaiah 58:5-7, Matthew 25:34-40, Luke 4:16-21, Luke 6:20-23, 1 John 3:17-18
Tradition references and further reading from the USCCB: Click here
From the USCCB: “The economy must serve people and not the other way around. Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in Gods creation.”
As Christ Is for Us Janèt Sullivan Whitaker
Walk Together Children ValLimar Jansen, Frank Jansen
Tend the Ground Curtis Stephan
By Our Love Tom Kendzia
Con Amor Jovial Jaime Cortez
Desterrados Juan A. Espinosa
No Se Puede Sepultar la Luz Juan A. Espinosa
Envía Tu Espíritu Bob Hurd
Scripture references: Genesis 2:1-3, Genesis 2:15, Deuteronomy 5:13-15, Deuteronomy 14:28-29, Deuteronomy 24:14-15, Sirach 34:26-27, Isaiah 58:3-7, Jeremiah 22:13, Matthew 20:1-16, Mark 2:27, Luke 3:10-14, Luke 12:13-21, James 5:1-6
Tradition references and further reading from the USCCB: Click here
From the USCCB: “We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers and sisters keepers, wherever they may be.”
Somos El Cuerpo de Cristo/We Are the Body of Christ Jaime Cortez
You Welcomed Me Tom Booth
The Road of Mercy Maureen Briare
Alleluia! Raise the Gospel Bernadette Farrell, Owen Alstott
Oración de San Francisco Sebastian Temple
Cristo Libertador Carmelo Erdozáin
Vienen con Alegría Cesáreo Gabaráin
Nueva Creación Cesáreo Gabaráin
Scripture references: Genesis 12:1-3, Psalms 72, Psalms 122, Zechariah 8:16, Matthew 5:9, Matthew 5:21-24, Romans 13:8-10, 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, Colossians 3:9-17, 1 John 3:16-18
Tradition references and further reading from the USCCB: Click here
From the USCCB: “We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith.”
Every Creature Is Sister and Brother Bob Hurd
Laudato Si! Be Praised, O God Ricky Manalo, CSP
Litany for the Earth Barbara Bridge
All Creatures of Our God and King Rick Modlin
Éste Es el Día Carlos Rosas
Sacred Creation/Creación Sagrada Rufino Zaragoza, OFM
El Espíritu de Dios Juan A. Espinosa, José A. Olivar
Maravilloso Eres Tú Damaris Thillet
Scripture references: Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis 2:15, Leviticus 25:1-7, Deuteronomy 10:14, Psalm 24:1-2, Daniel 3:56-82, Matthew 6:25-34, Romans 1:20, 1 Corinthians 10:26
Tradition references and further reading from the USCCB: Click here