Michael R. Prendergast has over 50 years’ experience as a musician and liturgist at the parish, cathedral and diocesan levels. A native of the diocese of Helena, Montana, Michael served as the cathedral musician at St. Mary's Cathedral in Fargo, North Dakota. He was director of the Office of Worship and Christian Initiation for the Diocese of Great Falls-Billings in Eastern Montana. He served as OCP's liturgy specialist and editor of Today's Liturgy, during which time he received two Catholic Press Association awards as an editor and author. Michael is an adjunct instructor in the departments of theology and music at the University of Portland and served as the director of liturgy and music at St. Andrew Parish in Portland, Oregon for 14 years.
Michael is an active member of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, The North American Academy of Liturgy and the Catholic Academy of Liturgy.
He has written on topics related to music and liturgy in Pastoral Music, Liturgical Ministry, Today's Liturgy, Pastoral Liturgy, At Home with the Word and Sourcebook for Sunday and Seasons. He holds a master’s degree in theological studies from Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, Oregon, and a master’s degree in liturgical studies from St. John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota.
Michael is the founder of Sacred Liturgy Ministries, a liturgical consultant firm. https://www.sacredliturgyministries.org/.