Timothy R. Smith has spent his career writing music that fuses traditional and contemporary elements to create songs that unite communities of all ages.
- All People, Clap Your Hands
- Alleluia
- Alleluia! Alleluia! Let the Holy Anthem Rise
- Amen
- Angels, Come in Celebration
- Awake, My Soul, Awake
- Be Not Far from Me
- Blessed Assurance
- Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light
- Cast Your Net
- Changing Lives Together
- Cold Was the Stable
- Come, Let Us Ring Out
- Compline Hymn
- Doxology and Amen
- Empty Me
- Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving
- Give Me Ears to Listen
- Give Thanks to the Lord / This Is the Day
- Give the Lord Glory and Honor
- Glory and Praise for Ever (Daniel 3)
- Glory to God
- God Never Changes
- Holy
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- I Believe That I Shall See
- I Keep My Eyes On You
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God
- I Will Praise Your Name/The Hand of the Lord
- If Today You Hear His Voice
- In Every Age
- In My Heart and In My Tears
- In the Breaking of the Bread
- In the Sight of the Angels
- Lamb of God
- Leave It All To You
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Like a Deer That Longs for Running Streams, My Soul Longs for You, My God
- Lord of All Hopefulness
- Lord, Have Mercy
- Lord, Let Your Mercy Flow
- Lord, This Is the People/Let the Lord Enter
- Lord, You Have the Words
- Mercy
- My God, My God
- O God, Let All the Nations
- O God, Our Help In Ages Past
- O Light of Christ
- O Mother of Jesus
- Persuaded
- Praise the Lord, O My Soul
- Praise the Name
- Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds
- Rejoice with All the Saints
- Save Us, Savior
- Shadow of Your Wings
- Sing to the Lord
- Something Gotta Go
- Song of the Holy Spirit
- Taste and See
- Tell It Out
- The Dark Enclosing Tomb of Night
- The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth with Justice
- The Lord Has Revealed
- The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Psalm 103)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd
- The Lord Will Bless His People with Peace
- The Shepherd’s Carol
- Thief In The Night
- To You, O Lord
- Today Is the Day
- Top of Your Voice
- Unless the Lord
- Voice of Christ
- We Are God’s People
- We Proclaim Your Death
- When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- When We Eat This Bread
- With the Lord There Is Mercy
- Wondrous Loss
- You Are Holy
- You Are My Inheritance, O Lord (Psalm 16)
- You Are the Vine
- You Were Never Alone
- Your Kingdom Come
Timothy R. Smith has spent his career writing music that fuses contemporary and traditional elements into songs that inspire and unite communities of all ages. This broad approach can be readily found in his newest OCP collection, I Am with You Always, which features well-crafted, singable melodies that resonate with all worship communities.
The bulk of Tim’s catalogue is based in the Psalms, culminating in his annual publication, Forever I Will Sing. It features complete responsorial psalms and Gospel Acclamations for every Sunday and holy day. He writes,
The Psalms are about our ageless encounter and covenant with the loving and compassionate God of Israel. This relationship transcends all time and history. As a composer, I try to create melodies that reflect my own experience and affect with a particular Psalm. Since, my perspective is limited to my own cultural experience, I think it’s essential to broaden my approach by exploring and developing melodies and harmonies that reach beyond my first inclinations.
Tim has a passion for helping parishes and organizations respond to the Church’s apostolic call towards evangelization. His ministry has taken him across the United States — presenting parish missions, men’s retreats and music ministry workshops that educate and inspire. His presentations feature music designed to encourage participation and foster prayerful reflection.
Tim has a Bachelor of Music degree from Michigan State University and Master of Music degree from Oakland University in Rochester Hills, Michigan. He and his wife, Kim, live in Waterford, Michigan. He currently serves as the Director of Music at Our Lady of the Lakes Church.