- Alabanza a Ti, Oh Cristo/Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ
- Alabanza a Ti, oh Cristo/Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ
- Aleluya/Alleluia
- Aleluya/Alleluia
- Amémonos los Unos a los Otros
- Amén/Amen
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte/We Proclaim Your Death
- Aquí Estamos, Señor
- Atrévete a Salir
- Cada Vez que Comemos/When We Eat This Bread
- Cordero de Dios/Lamb of God
- Esto Es Lo Que Yo Les Mando
- Gloria a Dios/Glory to God
- La Cena del Señor
- Padrenuestro/Our Father
- Quiero Responder que Sí
- Salvador del Mundo/Save Us, Savior
- Santo/Holy
- Señor, Ten Piedad/Lord, Have Mercy
- Señor, ¿Quién Puede Hospedarse en Tu Tienda?
- Sólo Dios Basta
- Todo El Que Pide, Recibe
- Vengo a Consagrar Mi Vida
- Volveré a la Casa de Mi Padre
- ¿Quién Eres Tú, Peregrino?
Known for his ability to unite people in song and praise, †Mauricio Centeno (1957–2021) incorporated an array of Latin rhythms in his music for both Spanish and bilingual liturgies.
In addition to his music, Mauricio served parishes by providing workshops that responded to the overwhelming need for liturgical development and guidance in Hispanic music ministries. Led by these experiences, he directed the music for several Los Angeles archdiocesan celebrations and other events in Southern California including the music events for the El Sembrador ministry. At the time of his death, Mauricio served as music director for St. Linus Catholic Church and for the U.S. Air Force Base at Fort MacArthur in El Segundo, California.
Mauricio was also president and founder of MC Productions, a company committed to evangelization through music. Through MC Productions, he produced for various artists within the Catholic community as well as OCP. His works include Sal de la Tierra, Primavera con Cristo, Flor y Canto, Tercera Edición, Luz Perpetua and Atrévete a Salir. OCP published his album Tradiciones and the celebrated Mass setting Nueva Misa Latinoamericana.