†Carlos Rosas (2020) was a pioneer and expert in Hispanic liturgical music, often incorporating popular rhythms of the music of Mexico in his compositions. His music and legacy will endure the passing of time.
- A Tus Pies, Virgencita
- Abres Tú la Mano
- Acudamos a Cristo Jesús
- Alabemos al Señor Jesucristo
- Aleluya, Yo Soy la Resurrección y la Vida
- Aleluya, el Señor Resucitó
- Alzaré la Copa de la Salvación (Salmo 115)
- Amén
- Ante Tu Altar Llegamos
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte
- Bendeciré Tu Nombre (Salmo 144)
- Cantemos al Señor
- Cordero de Dios
- Cordero de Dios
- Danos, Señor, de Esos Panes
- De Pie a Tu Derecha (Salmo 44)
- Dichoso el Pueblo (Salmo 32)
- Dios Es Amor
- Donde Nace la Flor
- El Amor Nos Unió
- El Dios Campesino
- El Poderoso Ha Hecho Obras Grandes por Mí (Lucas 1)
- El Señor Es Mi Pastor
- En la Casa de Mi Padre
- Envía Tu Espíritu, Señor (Salmo 103)
- Gloria a Nuestro Dios
- Gracias Te Damos, Señor
- Hagamos una Casa
- Hosanna al Hijo de David
- Hoy Brillará una Luz sobre Nosotros (Salmo 96)
- Jesús Resucitó, Aleluya
- La Victoria del Señor
- Me Alegré
- Mi Alma Está Sedienta de Ti
- Oh Dios, que Te Alaben los Pueblos (Salmo 66)
- Padrenuestro
- Preparen el Camino
- Que Se Me Pegue la Lengua (Salmo 136)
- Que Tu Misericordia, Señor (Salmo 32)
- Santo
- Señor, Ten Piedad
- Te Doy Gracias (Salmo 138)
- Transfórmanos con Nueva Vida
- Viva la Virgen Ranchera
- Yo Soy el Pan de Vida
- ¡Grita de Alegría! (Isaías 12)
- Éste Es el Día
- Éste Es el Día en que Actuó el Señor
Carlos was born in Linares, Nuevo León, Mexico, where he began his studies in music and liturgy at the age of 12. He served as liturgy coordinator and composer in residence at the Mexican-American Cultural Center and choir director at the San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio, Texas. He was also the coordinator of Christian communities for the Diocese of Phoenix, director of Hispanic ministry for the Diocese of Baker in Bend, Oregon, and director of music and liturgy coordinator for the Divine Mercy Catholic Church in Laredo, Texas.
Two experiences inspired Carlos’s music: biblical reflection and liturgical celebration. “The two go together,” he once said, “feeding and enhancing one another.” His collection ¡Grita de Alegría! offers Mariachi-style psalm settings. Some of his popular songs include “Me Alegré” and “Cantemos al Señor.” His music is also featured in the upcoming collection, Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe/Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Carlos passed away in 2020 in Texas near his family.