26 Ordinary Ways to Live the Liturgy

Written in an easy-going style with solid theology, 26 Ordinary Ways to Live the Liturgy encourages us to exercise specific skills and through them, find a deeper commitment with liturgy. By practicing the skills and experiences recommended by Dr. Byer, we can engage more actively in the liturgy, and observe how our personal experience of liturgy evolves.
Discover how simple practices like keeping silence, helping others, praying, singing or even walking can shape our church practice and eventually, our lives. Coupled with personal stories, reflections, historical and biblical references, every chapter is as interesting as effortless to read.
With chapters focusing on new approaches to pass on the faith to younger generations, this book will be a great addition to a Bible study, faith groups or for personal enrichment.
Additionally, 26 Ordinary Ways to Live the Liturgy was recently awarded first place in the category of liturgy for the CPA (Catholic Press Association) Book Awards! They write:
Although we have read and heard many exhortations to full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy, this book coaches full, conscious and active participation by looking at the skills required for participation. Some of these are activities that are part of everyday life and some are activities that we call religious. The reader finds a plan to coach oneself and coach others to be skilled and confident in doing all that things that celebrate the faith and share the faith. This is a book that is useful for all ages and for people of all degrees of faith who are seeking communion with God in the Church. –Catholic Press Association