Compositor del tema “Open My Eyes”, Jesse tiene el don especial de atraer con su música a los jóvenes de todas las edades a quienes contagia de la energía que abre sus corazones a Dios.
- All Are Welcome
- Alleluia
- Alleluia! Love Is Alive
- Another Day
- Ave Maria Litany
- Bearer of Hope
- Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord! Blessed Is the Kingdom of Our Father David that Is to Come
- Bread of Heaven
- Come after Me and I Will Make You Fishers of Men
- Come, Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts of Your Faithful and Kindle in Them the Fire of Your Love
- Dear Lord Jesus
- Dios Nos Bendiga / May God Bless Us
- Doxology and Amen
- Dying You Destroyed Our Death
- Eleison
- Give Us Your Peace
- Give Us Your Peace
- Glory and Praise
- Glory to God
- Go and Teach All Nations, Says the Lord; I Am with You Always, until the End of the World
- God the Great I AM
- Gracious God
- Great Amen
- Hold On to Love
- Hold On to Love
- Holy
- Holy Is the Name
- Holy Spirit, Come Now
- Holy Spirit, Come Now
- I Am the Good Shepherd, Says the Lord; I Know My Sheep, and Mine Know Me
- I Give You a New Commandment, Says the Lord: Love One Another As I Have Loved You
- I Give to You a Future
- I Love You, Lord, My Strength
- I Will Testify
- If Today You Hear His Voice
- In the Beginning
- In the Beginning
- Joy Is Everywhere
- Keep Me Safe
- Kyrie, Eleison/Lord, Have Mercy
- Lamb of God
- Lamb of God
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Live in Love
- Lord, Every Nation
- Love Never Fails
- MC God
- Malo! Malo! Thanks Be to God
- Open My Eyes
- Open My Eyes/Amazing Grace
- Our Savior Jesus Christ Destroyed Death and Brought Life to Light Through the Gospel
- Para Amar como Tú
- Penitential Act with Invocations
- Pentecost Sequence
- Power of Peace
- Pray for Us
- Preface Dialogue
- Revive Us, O God
- Save Us, Savior
- Send Out Your Spirit
- Send Us, O God/Envíanos al Mundo
- Someone Is Waiting
- Speak, Lord, Your Servant Is Listening; You Have the Words of Everlasting Life
- The Lord Is Kind and Merciful
- The Lord Is Kind and Merciful
- The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation
- The Lord is Near to All Who Call Upon Him
- The People Who Sit in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light; on Those Dwelling in a Land Overshadowed by Death, Light Has Arisen
- This Is Our Room
- To You, O Lord, I Lift My Soul
- Trilingual Intercessions
- Unidos
- We Are the Light
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Will Follow
- What Makes a Man
- What Sort of King
- When We Eat This Bread
- Where Shall We Go?
- Where Shall We Go?
- Winds of Change
- With All Our Hearts
- With the Lord There Is Mercy and Fullness of Redemption
- You Believe in Me, Thomas, Because You Have Seen Me, Says the Lord; Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen Me, But Still Believe
- You believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me, says the Lord; blessed are they who have not seen me, but still believe!
Jesse Manibusan es cantante, compositor, catequista, narrador, humorista y evangelizador. Es altamente reconocido en todo el país como orador y músico con gran dinamismo. Ha participado en diferentes eventos, conciertos y sitios de catéquesis, por ejemplo en la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud en Panamá 2019. Jesse comparte el amor a Cristo desde su corazón y el llamado a vivir nuestro bautismo en cada aspecto de la vida. Tiene una maestría en ministerios multiculturales de la facultad franciscana de Teología en Berkeley, California.
El amado himno “Open My Eyes”, de su tercer álbum, Power of Peace, aparece entre los himnos católicos y protestantes de todo el mundo y ha sido traducido en varios idiomas. Su colección más reciente, Sing of Mary, es un piadoso homenaje a la Madre de Jesús. En 2012 colaboró con Santiago Fernández en una colección bilingüe titulada Unidos. En 2003 colaboró con Ken Canedo en la exitosa producción Love Never Fails, que incluye “Bless the Lord”, “Love Never Fails” y “Fish with Me”.
Jesse reside actualmente en Daly City, California, y es voluntario en la iglesia y la escuela católica de El Buen Pastor.